Let's talk about seborrhea

Seborrhoea is a skin disorder, often unrecognised or underestimated, usually present as a secondary manifestation in dogs and cats with:

  • allergies;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • flea infestations;
  • bacterial or yeast infections.

It can also be primary, on a hereditary basis, in which case it recognises a defect in keratinisation of the skin.

Its clinical manifestations may be dry scales and crusts on a dull and brittle coat, in which case one speaks of dry seborrhea; or oily scales on a coat that is opaque and greasy to the touch, and then we are faced with a oily seborrhoea.

In both cases, the smell of the skin is unpleasant, also because both seborrhoeic forms cause itching and are easily complicated by bacterial and/or Malassezia

Based on these assumptions, ICF has formulated Zincoseb® Shampoo.

In fact, from a practical point of view, primary seborrhea can be treated only with topical therapy, i.e. initially with medicated baths twice a week and then, once an optimal coat appearance has been achieved, the baths can be thinned out, until an optimal frequency is found (about once a month), to avoid relapses, for the animal's entire life.

This is the case, for example, of granulomatous sebaceous adenitis, a dermatosis due to immunological destruction of the sebaceous glands found mainly in dogs of predisposed breeds in which, at a macroscopic level a keratoseborrheic state with psoriasiform or pityriasiform desquamation, dull hair and baldness in long-haired dogs, nummular (rounded "like a coin") or patchy alopecic areas and moth-eaten appearance of the coat in short-haired dogs.

Work has been conducted on this pathology and its topical treatment in vivo by Dr. Bensignor, a well-known French dermatologist with a European diploma in dermatology, which led to an improvement in lesions considered significant (more than 50% of clinical scores and positive evaluation by the owner) in 7 out of 10 dogs with an improvement considered good or very good, with a reduction of more than 75% of lesions, good hair regrowth and a satisfied or very satisfied owner.

In particular, the author emphasises the importance of the principles of the Zincoseb® Shampoo: “2% salicylic acid, 0.25% colloidal sulphur, keratolytic agents that reduce desquamation and follicular cylinders; 0.3 % chlorhexidine digluconate, a well-known antimicrobial agent that enables an antibacterial action useful for reducing secondary infections; 2% lanolin, a soothing and emollient agent that moisturises the stratum corneum; and 2% zinc gluconate, an important micronutrient that has demonstrated cell-protective activity against external aggression. Topical application of zinc allows considerable activity at the skin surface level, but there is also percutaneous penetration, particularly at the hair follicle level, with retention in the sebum. Topical application of zinc has been shown in vitro to inhibit cell proliferation of keratinocytes and thus has a keratoregulatory effect (...). Recently, effects of zinc have also been demonstrated on re-epithelialisation."

In the case of secondary seborrhoeas, of course, it is essential to treat and resolve the underlying primary causes, although 'targeted' shampoo therapy 1-2 times a week is always appropriate, especially in order to speed up healing time, especially to avoid complications from bacteria or yeasts during seborrhoeic disorders.

Lo Zincoseb® Shampoo is the product of choice because it exerts keratolytic (removal of excess scales on the skin surface) and keratoplastic (normalisation of cell turnover in the basal layer of the epidermis) functions, but is also an effective support in antibacterial and antifungal activity.

This action is mainly attributed to the conversion in situ of sulphur into hydrogen sulphide and pentatonic acid.

Thanks to these peculiarities, he was the 'star' of a trial in vivo conducted by Lisa Graziano and Giovanni Ghibaudo, two well-known veterinary dermatologists, on 20 dogs with concomitant secondary diseases and, in addition to the clinical and cytological improvements, reduction in itching and improvement in coat quality, the conclusions emphasise that "...the reduction of these parameters by this antiseborrhoeic shampoo already after the first 2 weeks is of extreme importance, as it allows rapid satisfaction on the part of the owner, which is positively disposed of at the next clinical check-up. Finally, in view of the results obtained in the reduction of micro-organisms by this product, we can state that the rational use of shampoos and other antiseptic products could have positive effects on the prevention of antimicrobial resistance by reducing the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in veterinary dermatology and consequently reducing antibiotic selective pressure."

In this regard, Zincoseb® Shampoo showed, in another study in vitro led by Luca Guardabassi, Associate Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen, an excellent in vitro against the target pathogen Malassezia and the main bacterial pathogens associated with canine skin infections, from which it is inferred that "Based on the data produced by this study, Zincoseb® Shampoo can be used successfully in cases of dermatitis where Malassezia is associated with bacteria, a situation frequently observed in veterinary dermatology. In particular, the most frequently pathogenic bacterium S. Pseudintermedius appears to be highly sensitive to the formulation of Zincoseb® Shampoo.”.

Recently, at the European Dermatological Congress in Lausanne, ICF also presented Zincoseb® Spray, the ideal complement to Zincoseb® Shampoo.

ICF also has the right answer against seborrhoea!


Shampoo therapy
Dog and cat health also passes through the mouth!

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