Stomach problems in Dogs: the antacid is the solution?

In recent years, more and more attention is being paid to a problem that frequently affects our four-legged friends: the gastric disorders.

Symptoms and behaviours that used to be ignored, such as constant pot-seeking, frequent yawning, compulsive chewing and refusal of food at specific times of the day, are now identified as indicators of potential problems. Vomiting, often associated with prolonged periods of fasting, is also added to these.

Once the problem is recognised, it is of paramount importance to consult a veterinarian to determine the appropriate treatment.

There are several ways forward, each effective depending on the actual cause of the disorder:

  • Dietary approach: avoid prolonged fasting and divide the meal into several daily portions, even small ones. It is also important to avoid diets excessively high in fat and fibre and to ensure that food is served at appropriate temperatures.
  • Drugs: The use of drugs against vomiting or to regulate gastric acidity is only recommended when strictly necessary and always on the advice of a veterinary surgeon. Prolonged or improper administration of these substances can have serious side effects.
  • Supplementssupplements can help reduce symptoms and promote healing. It is important to distinguish between two main categories:
  1. Antacid supplements: these supplements temporarily neutralise gastric acidity, but their action is limited in time. useful for immediate relief, they should only be used for a short period to avoid long-term complications. the most commonly used antacids are sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, aluminium hydroxide, and magnesium hydroxide.
  2. Supplements without antacidsThis category of supplements does not act directly on gastric acidity with a buffering effect, thus avoiding side effects. They aim to provide relief and promote healing by creating a protective covering for the stomach wall, providing natural anti-inflammatory ingredients and promoting the healing of any lesions on the gastric mucosa. They are particularly useful for problems that persist over time.

Stomek® is an example of supplement without antacids. Thanks to the action of phytotherapeutics and prebiotics, Stomek® offers immediate relief by preserving the health of the stomach and promoting its healing. The absence of antacids also allows thelong-term use.

In conclusion, identifying the symptoms of probable gastric problems is a crucial aspect of our dogs' health. Consult a vet and evaluate treatment options, including supplements such as Stomek®can help ensure a happy and healthy life for our four-legged friends.



Otitis management
Stomek® Suspension: An innovative and effective solution for the stomach health of cats and dogs.

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