Due to anatomy and lifestyle, dogs and cats are prone to the development of ear disorders. Otitis (inflammation of the ear) is certainly the most frequent problem. ICF has always adopted both a preventive and therapeutic approach, offering the veterinary surgeon solutions geared towards managing the problems in every aspect. Furthermore, ICF proposals are a modern and effective alternative to the use of medication in the first instance and thus contribute to combating the problem ofantibiotic resistance.
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Home " Veterinarians " Otology
Due to anatomy and lifestyle, dogs and cats are prone to the development of ear disorders. Otitis (inflammation of the ear) is certainly the most frequent problem. ICF has always adopted both a preventive and therapeutic approach, offering the veterinary surgeon solutions geared towards managing the problems in every aspect. Furthermore, ICF proposals are a modern and effective alternative to the use of medication in the first instance and thus contribute to combating the problem ofantibiotic resistance.
Clorexyderm oto
oto plus
Hygiene on the go
The quality of Otodine® also in wipes for ear hygiene, always at hand. The Otodine® solution in the new wipe format is even easier to use.