Durante il Congresso Mondiale di Dermatologia Veterinaria a Boston, i riflettori si sono accesi su un tema di cruciale importanza: l’efficacia dei prodotti topici a base di clorexidina come valida. Read all...
Una delle situazioni più fastidiose e percepite come urgenti per i proprietari di un cane o di un gatto è senza dubbio la diarrea. Questo sintomo generalmente può avere, come. Read all...
In our animals, as in humans, healthy teeth and gums are the best prerequisite for other organs to be healthy as well. In fact, especially the. Read all...
In recent months, the Stomek® line has been enriched with a new product: Stomek® Suspension. This novelty has been received with great enthusiasm by both veterinarians and owners already. Read all...
In recent years, more and more attention is being paid to a problem that frequently affects our four-legged friends: gastric disorders. Symptoms and behaviour that once. Read all...
Dr. Chiara Noli Dip ECVD Ear diseases are a very common problem in veterinary medicine, it is estimated that up to 30% of dogs may have some alteration. Read all...
It is well known that intestinal flora is extremely important for a dog's health, even and especially in the case of 'performance' dogs! Petter Karlsson, of Slussfors, is a musher. Read all...
Thanks to the Veterinarians who visited the ICF Pet, DRN Pet and Nextmune Italy stand at SCIVAC in Rimini! We would like to express a huge thank you to all the Veterinarians. Read all...
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La Clorexidina Protagonista al 10° Congresso Mondiale di Dermatologia Veterinaria di Boston (WCVD10)
Durante il Congresso Mondiale di Dermatologia Veterinaria a Boston, i riflettori si sono accesi su un tema di cruciale importanza: l’efficacia dei prodotti topici a base di clorexidina come valida. Read all...
Oh no, diarrhoea!
Una delle situazioni più fastidiose e percepite come urgenti per i proprietari di un cane o di un gatto è senza dubbio la diarrea. Questo sintomo generalmente può avere, come. Read all...
Dog and cat health also passes through the mouth
In our animals, as in humans, healthy teeth and gums are the best prerequisite for other organs to be healthy as well. In fact, especially the. Read all...
Stomek® tablets and Stomek® suspension: similarities and differences for optimal stomach well-being.
In recent months, the Stomek® line has been enriched with a new product: Stomek® Suspension. This novelty has been received with great enthusiasm by both veterinarians and owners already. Read all...
Stomek® Suspension: An innovative and effective solution for the stomach health of cats and dogs.
As for us, for pets too, stomach health increasingly plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of our four-legged friends. The. Read all...
Stomach problems in Dogs: the antacid is the solution?
In recent years, more and more attention is being paid to a problem that frequently affects our four-legged friends: gastric disorders. Symptoms and behaviour that once. Read all...
Otitis management
Dr. Chiara Noli Dip ECVD Ear diseases are a very common problem in veterinary medicine, it is estimated that up to 30% of dogs may have some alteration. Read all...
Leamix 30® : the winning synergy for the well-being of the skin
A new food supplement to support the skin of dogs and cats: A synergy of Omega 3, Zinc, hemp oil and Vitamins E and A. The skin is. Read all...
A special story
It is well known that intestinal flora is extremely important for a dog's health, even and especially in the case of 'performance' dogs! Petter Karlsson, of Slussfors, is a musher. Read all...
Thank you!
Thanks to the Veterinarians who visited the ICF Pet, DRN Pet and Nextmune Italy stand at SCIVAC in Rimini! We would like to express a huge thank you to all the Veterinarians. Read all...