Ear hygiene is an important part of general pet care, especially in dogs and cats where external otitis is a frequent pathological condition. The earwax in. Read all...
Dr Elena Mascherpa, DVM Master in Cat and Dog Nutrition and Dietetics Chronic renal failure (CKD), common in dogs and cats, as we know, is a condition. Read all...
Dr. Elena Mascherpa, DVM Master in Dog and Cat Nutrition and Dietetics One third of dogs that are taken to the vet show symptoms that can be traced back to gastrointestinal disorders. Among. Read all...
ICF has for over 35 years formulated a range of otological products for dogs and cats to clean and cleanse the ears that meet different needs. Oto più. Read all...
The mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the dog and cat represents a district of very high biological reactivity. This is due both to repeated mechanical and microbial stress and to reasons. Read all...
Seborrhoea is a skin condition, often unrecognised or underestimated, usually present as a secondary manifestation in dogs and cats with: allergies; hormonal imbalances; flea infestations; bacterial infections or. Read all...
As you certainly know and have experienced in your daily work, ICF has believed in the importance of topical products for over 30 years, presenting a wide range of formulations of. Read all...
Antibiotic resistance (the phenomenon whereby a bacterium becomes resistant to the activity of an antimicrobial drug) is now a pervasive and worrying problem in both Human and Veterinary Medicine... Read all...
Shampoo for dogs and cats can be: cosmetic, with the purpose of deeply and effectively cleansing the skin and hair; supportive of a treatment. Read all...
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Even more delicate, even more natural!
Ear hygiene is an important part of general pet care, especially in dogs and cats where external otitis is a frequent pathological condition. The earwax in. Read all...
CRI in dogs and cats: which therapeutic goals?
Dr Elena Mascherpa, DVM Master in Cat and Dog Nutrition and Dietetics Chronic renal failure (CKD), common in dogs and cats, as we know, is a condition. Read all...
Gastritis in dogs: how to recognise it and treat it.
Dr. Elena Mascherpa, DVM Master in Dog and Cat Nutrition and Dietetics One third of dogs that are taken to the vet show symptoms that can be traced back to gastrointestinal disorders. Among. Read all...
ICF's otological products for dogs and cats
ICF has for over 35 years formulated a range of otological products for dogs and cats to clean and cleanse the ears that meet different needs. Oto più. Read all...
Dog and cat health also passes through the mouth!
The mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the dog and cat represents a district of very high biological reactivity. This is due both to repeated mechanical and microbial stress and to reasons. Read all...
Let's talk about seborrhea
Seborrhoea is a skin condition, often unrecognised or underestimated, usually present as a secondary manifestation in dogs and cats with: allergies; hormonal imbalances; flea infestations; bacterial infections or. Read all...
Shampoo therapy
As you certainly know and have experienced in your daily work, ICF has believed in the importance of topical products for over 30 years, presenting a wide range of formulations of. Read all...
What is antibiotic resistance?
Antibiotic resistance (the phenomenon whereby a bacterium becomes resistant to the activity of an antimicrobial drug) is now a pervasive and worrying problem in both Human and Veterinary Medicine... Read all...
Why clean dog and cat ears?
Dog and cat ears need special care and attention to avoid annoying and painful problems such as ear infections. Read all...
Shampoo for dogs and cats: how to choose the right one?
Shampoo for dogs and cats can be: cosmetic, with the purpose of deeply and effectively cleansing the skin and hair; supportive of a treatment. Read all...