Nextmune Italy srl stands out as an excellent multinational company operating in the fields of Pet Food and Pharmaceuticals, with an established presence both in italy and at the international level.
You think you're the right person?
Join our team offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in a workplace that is young, dynamic and addictive game, where personal and professional growth is encouraged and valued. By working with us, you'll have the opportunity to develop advanced skills in team work, contributing to your individual success and to our collective progress.
The wide perspectives of professional growth offered by Nextmune Italy Srl, are the result of a constant commitment to invest in human resources and in recognizing the value of every member of our team. If you think you're the right person for contributing to our continued success, we invite you to send your resume to evaluate the opportunities of collaboration.
Look at the open positions according to your area of expertise
We are thrilled to welcome motivated talents and enthusiasts who share our vision and want to grow with us.
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Come work with us
Nextmune Italy srl stands out as an excellent multinational company operating in the fields of Pet Food and Pharmaceuticals, with an established presence both in italy and at the international level.
You think you're the right person?
Join our team offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in a workplace that is young, dynamic and addictive game, where personal and professional growth is encouraged and valued. By working with us, you'll have the opportunity to develop advanced skills in team work, contributing to your individual success and to our collective progress.
The wide perspectives of professional growth offered by Nextmune Italy Srl, are the result of a constant commitment to invest in human resources and in recognizing the value of every member of our team. If you think you're the right person for contributing to our continued success, we invite you to send your resume to evaluate the opportunities of collaboration.
Look at the open positions according to
your area of expertise
We are thrilled to welcome motivated talents and enthusiasts who share our vision and want to grow with us.
Quality Assurance Specialist
worker L. 68/99
Tirocinio Digital Marketing
MarketingSocial Media & Content Creator
Addetto al confezionamento
Magazziniere carrellistaTemporary
Send us your application
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