
We are committed to high standards of ethical business conduct. In line with this commitment, our whistleblowing platform and policy aims to provide guidelines for reporting suspected wrongdoing within Nextmune Italy.

Your report will be completely anonymous, unless you do not voluntarily provide personal information. There is no obligation to provide any personal information.

About whistleblowing


Whistleblowing is referred to as the reporting of a suspected wrongdoing i.e., data breach, corruption, threats, violence, harassment.


A wrongdoing means any serious conduct that could have a material negative impact on Nextmune’s business and/or operations or the working environment for Nextmune’s employees and/or business partners or any other serious conduct that could potentially be of public interest.


A whistleblower is a person who files a report of suspected wrongdoing.

About Nextmune Italy's channel for whistleblowing

You remain completely anonymous when submitting a report, unless you voluntarily provide personal information. There is no obligation to provide any personal information.

Your report

Your report should contain the following information - The type of misconduct you wish to report. - Where it occurred. - When it happened. Provide time and date and whether anything is recurring. - Documentation in any form, if you have access to it. If you do not have access but know that documentation exists, include what type of documentation it is and where it can be found. - Details of any other action you have taken in relation to the misconduct. Note! It is important to read and understand the content of the link Privacy data before submitting your report. Any personal data that is clearly not relevant for your report should not be submitted. If you still submit such information, we may delete it without informing you.

How your report is handled

Based on current legislation, the organisation will make an initial assessment of your report to determine whether it is applicable for being handled in the whistleblowing channel. All reports will be assigned a unique case number and you will receive a verification code to confirm receipt of your report. You will receive the confirmation within seven days of acknowledgment of your report. You can use the verification code to submit additional information or get feedback on the case. The company will feedback to you on how the case has been handled within 90 days.

External reporting

It is also possible to report misconduct externally to a competent authority who can receive, provide feedback, and follow up on whistleblowing cases and, where applicable, to EU institutions, bodies, or agencies.

Report a new case Follow up on a case