ICF, DRN and Nextmune alongside owners

ICF, DRN and Nextmune, sponsors of the event, have always had the well-being of dogs and cats at heart. We could not, therefore, not be sponsors of such an important in-depth event for all owners who are confronted, perhaps for the first time, with the arrival of a new puppy in the family. To encourage good adaptation and serene relations from the very first moment, and to ensure that this is a pleasant and positive event for everyone, it is advisable to always think about the well-being of the new arrival, adopting the right strategies and the most suitable products to take care of him/her every day.

Our Scientific Director, Dr. Teresa Della Mura, presented numerous proposals to meet the needs of puppies, regarding auricular, dermatological, stomatological and gastrointestinal well-being.

What about you? Have you already used our products? Do you need other solutions? Let us know by answering a few questions.