Linkskin® tablets

Complementary dietary food for dogs and cats, puppies and adults, to support dermal function in cases of dermatosis and excessive hair loss.

Supports the microbiome during altered intestinal permeability and optimises physiological skin functions


Box 32 tablets



Linkskin® Complementary dietary food for dogs and cats, puppies and adults, to support dermal function in cases of dermatosis and excessive hair loss.
Supports the microbiome during altered intestinal permeability and optimises physiological skin functions

<CompositionPropertiesHow to use

Minerals, plant polyphenols from hydrolysed lignocellulose, yeast, dehydrated animal protein, maltodextrins, Lactobacillus rhamnosus SGL06 tindalised, magnesium organic acid salts, cucumber dry extract, evening primrose oil, β-casein, Lactobacillus reuteri SGL01 tindalised, colostrum, ultrafiltered animal protein (β-defensins)

Linkskin® tablets, thanks to the specific and unique combination of its components, promotes the balance of the skin and intestinal microbiota, thus supporting the integrity of the skin barrier.

It has itch-soothing action, antioxidant activity and helps support a healthy immune system.
LinkSkin Tablets is also the ideal support:

  • to pharmacological therapies in atopic/allergic animals because it assists their systemic action
  • during elimination diets
  • in multimodal therapies of atopic/allergic subjects because it contributes to the increased well-being of the animal

Recommended quantities:

  • Dogs: 1 tablet per day for every 10kg of weight. Over 30 kg weight, the daily amount is always 3 tablets.
  • Cats: 1/2 tablet per day per 5 kg weight

It can also be used during periods of temporary cessation of drug treatments, and in subjects weighing less than 3kg and under 12 months of age.

Use is recommended for 2-month cycles. It is recommended to seek the advice of your veterinary surgeon before use or before extending the period of use.



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