Remotion plus

Complementary food for dogs and cats that helps prevent the formation of hairballs and regulates normal intestinal function by promoting proper transit.


Remotion Plus helps prevent the formation of boluses due to ingested hair; it is useful during shedding, in old animals that move little and in all situations where it is necessary to facilitate normal intestinal transit.



50g tube



Complementary food for dogs and cats that helps prevent the formation of hairballs and regulates normal intestinal function by promoting proper transit.

<CompositionPropertiesHow to use

Vegetable oils and fats (soya and sunflower oil), malt extract, hydrolysed animal protein, fatty acids esterified with glycerol (stearic acid).

Remotion Plus helps prevent the formation of boluses due to ingested hairs that can cause constipation and poor intestinal tract function, promoting their physiological elimination.

Remotion Plus is useful during shedding, in old animals that move little and in all situations where it is necessary to facilitate normal intestinal transit.

Recommended quantities:

Amount of Remotion Plus to prevent the formation of hairballs: one teaspoon 2-3 times a week.

Amount of Remotion Plus to eliminate existing hairballs: one teaspoon 2 times a day until completely expelled.

One teaspoon contains 3 g, which corresponds to about 4 cm of Remotion Plus.

For animals over 10 kg, double the dosage.

It can be administered mixed with food or applied directly into the cat's mouth. In particularly difficult subjects it is advisable to apply the recommended dose to the cat's paw, with the product being swallowed after licking.



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